cooking for one... or two

Who else is hitting the pandemic wall? The endless news feed, the lack of clarity and organization on the vaccine rollout, and being housebound with a fractured ankle is causing burnout. I really, really miss walking my dog. Grabbing the leash, throwing on my shoes, pounding the pavement, letting fresh air fill my lungs, allowing my mind to clear
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cooking for one... or two

I just got some news (I know so many have had much worse- they’ve lost loved ones, lost jobs, lost their homes). For me, it turns out after almost two years and a recent MRI I have a stress fracture of my interior talus. It’s the major weight bearing bone in the ankle. It’s the one that supports your entire body. The day before Christmas I
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food detective

Other than hugging those I love, diving into a sumptuous meal at a table that’s not my own is probably what I miss most. Include people to the one I’ve been quarantined with for the past ten months and I just might fall down and faint. Some eat to live, I must say I live to eat. My past travels have frequently been influenced by potential meals.
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cooking for one... or two

Whether you’re getting slammed by Jack Frost or being asked to shelter-in-place, right now might be the perfect time to make a big pot of chili. I love my recipe, it’s a nourishing meaty stew that gets its sweetness from carrots and red bell peppers. The best part is that it freezes beautifully. So go ahead and make a double batch.
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cooking for one... or two

Well this holiday season certainly isn’t like any other. And while you won’t be having the usual crowd over to your home, that doesn’t mean you can’t entertain yourself in style. One of the best things about freezable hors d’oeuvres is that you can pull out a few just for you or for those in your bubble. You must try my cheddar tartlets
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cooking for one... or two

What a week. How about taking a break from all the divisiveness and embrace a side that really gets along? And because your tank is probably running on fumes, cut yourself some slack and take a quick trip down the freezer and pantry aisle for an accompaniment that will simultaneously comfort and wow. There is a reason there is an idiom for
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cooking for one... or two

The best thing about having digital news subscriptions to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and Desert Daily News is that I am current with most every current event. The worst thing is that I am constantly bombarded with endless news alerts. Several times a day I find myself overwhelmed and information fatigued. I must not
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cooking for one... or two

Things feeling a bit harsh? People around you a tad on edge? Maybe it’s time to open the frig and bring out the box grater. In the spirit of “when life gives you lemons make lemonade”, here you take whatever veggies you have on hand on and with a few quick strokes they’re transformed into lofty comfort food. Crisp on the edge, light and airy
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cooking for one... or two

I can’t believe we just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. There are days when it seems like we were married yesterday. There are so many things I adore about my husband. His boyish smile and heartfelt laugh certainly top the list. He’s absolutely brilliant and possesses the gentlest and truest of hearts. If I had to pick one of my favorite
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food detective

I’m not one for kitchen gadgets. Who needs an Instant Pot when you have a pot? An avocado slicer when you have a knife and spoon. But I have to say my Anova sous vide is a game changer. Anticipating our move back to urban apartment living I wanted to find a way to cook all our favorite proteins that we would typically grill out west.
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