a moment in time
It’s funny the things that stick in our minds from our youth. The simplest of events, common objects we’ve elevated, certain sounds or smells, cherished foods. When it comes to things we absolutely loved to eat, when revisited in adulthood do they ever taste as good as we remember? While some dishes are best left on memory lane, there is one that
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food detective
A series of atmospheric rivers have been pummeling the west coast of California and barreling into the Inland Empire. Our once sunny, dry oasis has become wet, drank and frigid. Sweaters donned and fireplaces lit, it’s time for some good old fashioned comfort food. I adore shepherd’s pie, but it’s been eons since I’ve made it. So I poured myself a
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food detective
Mortadella, an emulsified pork sausage that’s been a staple for centuries in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, has become a recent rage. You’ll find it gracing charcuterie boards, elevating every sandwich it’s tucked into, and even whipped to create a transcendent canapé. One of my favorite spots outside of Los Angeles is Milkfarm, an artisanal
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dinner for two
One of the ways I show love is by making meals for others. It’s such a gift to have a full table with everyone gathered around. But now with our children’s lives progressing and families expanding I often find myself traveling to their homes. This fall I had back-to-back weekends visiting my daughters in LA and Park City. Lucky Meemo got to babysit
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food detective
Last week it seemed like summer might just be here to stay. Then mother nature took an about face. Temps plunged, skies darkened, and freezing rain arrived as the cold winds began to blow. Sadly, that meant summer’s bounty was soon to hibernate. I don’t know why I am always surprised when the stalls at the farmers market dwindle. While you might
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food detective
Summer 2023 has had undeniable highs and a few rocky lows. Rather than lift a half-glass of rosé and whine, let me share a libation that has allowed me to toast the bounty of this summer season. This watermelon margarita is perfectly balanced- slightly sweet, just enough acid, and a smokey kick mezcal instead of tequila. The pureed fresh
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
My newest grandson just arrived, and I am over the moon! What magic to be there for those first few days and weeks of life. Not only is little Peter perfect in every way, it’s incredible to see my daughter and son-in-law blossom into such amazing new parents. One of my favorite things, other than holding that little sprite, is to nourish my loved
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food detective
Maybe it’s all the playoff games, draft picks, and NFL schedule releases but lately I’ve been craving buffalo chicken. With my own schedule ramping up it’s time to get creative in the kitchen, not only for inspiration but for timesaving shortcuts. I love when I find ready-prepped ingredients. Whole Foods carries the best pulled rotisserie chicken
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food detective
There is nothing quite like a cheese soufflé. They rise as if by magic. The result a savory, airy, light edible cloud. And fear not, once you master the basic technique it is almost as easy as making an omelet. It’s also a great last-minute supper because you probably have all of the ingredients on hand. If this is your first souffléing, be sure
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
One of my perennial resolutions is to go through an old binder of mine entitled “Sandy’s Best”, a collection of recipes that I have been lugging back and forth for years. Most of the recipes are from the late 1980s to early 2000s. Some are clearly dated. Others have fond memories. It’s funny but when I’ve tried to resurrect many, they’ve landed in
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