work your instrument

what’s for dinner- cooking for two
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Soups, Veggies and Sides, Desserts, Dinner for Two, Posted on October 10, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten
The programmers for the Today show are a sly group. They purposely put a guilty pleasure hook to transfix their 7:30 AM viewers. Many a morning I’ve caught my cute hubby loitering in the kitchen catching the latest tidbit in the ongoing sagas of Charlie Sheen, Casey Anthony, Arnold Schwarzenegger…This morning the hook-du-jour was Michael Jackson’s
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it’s getting chili

what’s for dinner- cooking for the fam
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Posted on September 12, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten
Maybe it’s because the Wolverines trounced the Fighting Irish in the last two minutes in the Big House or perhaps it’s the snap in the weather but lately I’ve had a hankering for chili. Nothing says fall (or winter) like a steamy, meaty bowl.
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don’t be crabby

what’s for dinner- cooking for two
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Fish and Seafood, Sauces and Such, Dinner for Two, Well Equipped, Posted on July 5, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten
The most challenging thing for me about moving is trying to keep on top of my daily grind while packing up 16 years of a former life, and doing all of it long distance. Not only am I boxing up the home where my two daughters grew up, this blog is moving to a new site. Same address, but soon there will be some exciting changes
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liar’s poker

what's for dinner- cooking for two
Categories: Dinner for Two, Cocktail Party, Sources, Posted on June 20, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten
Some days it’s hard to channel your inner June Cleaver. When I am completely downtrodden. I cheer myself up by pretending to make dinner. We all have our quirks and this is undoubtedly one of mine.
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going to extremes

what’s for dinner- cooking for two
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Soups, Fish and Seafood, Dinner for Two, Posted on May 31, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten
What’s a girl to do? It’s nearly impossible to preplan a season menu given the way these temps are fluctuating. What was I thinking roasting a dinner last night? I literally melted in front of my 450 degree oven, the outside mercury reaching 98. Who would have guessed, given the morning walk called for mittens.
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