food detective

On a recent trip to the Evanston’s farmers market I spotted these gorgeous “hen of the wood” mushrooms. If they sprouted legs and a beak you could almost imagine they would start to scratch and strut amongst the stands. Personal disclaimer- what often looks inspirational at the farmers market frequently turns out to be a bomb in my kitchen.
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a moment in time

Last week in Chicago was one for the books. My husband had meetings out of town, and I was secretly very excited to be alone for the first time since February. As luck would have it my best friend’s husband was also going to be away. We were looking forward to going for long walks, running fun errands in the city (she’s a fellow foodie who knows
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cooking for one... or two

What’s better than chicken Caesar salad? Crunchy romaine, creamy parmesan dressing, crisp croutons, and tender chicken. It’s a quintessential classic for a reason. And a real go-to for lunch or dinner when dining out. But now that we are dining in (once again) how about a way you can whip this up at home in the time it would take to call for carry-
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cooking for one... or two

How about a light and bright summer pasta? Best part it comes together in mere minutes, and all in one pot. The base of this no-cook sauce is simply equal parts creamy ricotta and sharp parmesan. Brightened up with a little zest and juice from a lemon, and a couple handfuls of arugula for color and crunch. Serve it up with a salad of baby greens a
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cooking for one... or two

Is July really around the corner? Lately I’ve been reminiscing about summers past. Top on that list were the parents’ weekends at my girls’ summer camp in New Hampshire. Another highpoint- the lobster rolls at George’s. There’s nothing quite like a lobster shack roll. And while they’re almost impossible to replicate, I’ve discovered a suitable home
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“One of the greatest pleasures of my life has been that I have never stopped learning about Good Cooking and Good Food.” ― Edna Lewis. Just as Julia Child enlightened the American home cook to French cuisine, and Marcella Hazan to Italian, Edna Lewis is a central pillar in our culinary landscape, one who helped define the American view of Southern
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cooking for one... or two

I simply adore French onion soup. Historically what I haven’t been crazy about are the required hours to properly caramelize the onions. But now, like many, I have a bit of time on my hands. And like quite a few, I’m not filling my table the way I used to. And if your freezer is like mine and has precious little real estate to spare the last thing
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cooking for one... or two

Many are in month two of wondering what to cook for one or two. If you need a little inspiration don’t fret, because guess what? It’s artichoke season! Perhaps it’s been a long time since you steamed an artichoke, or maybe you never have. Well you’re in for a treat. Cooking up an artichoke is a simple affair. Basically, just cut off the stem and
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what we're cooking

I truly missed all of our holiday traditions this spring. Mass at our church nestled in the San Jacinto mountains. Our annual adult Easter egg sprint in the backyard. Then a divine brunch up the hill. I’ve been longing for family, rituals and if I’m really honest with myself- deviled eggs. Deviled eggs are one of those things that just seem to
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what's for dinner

We are certainly living in turbulent times. Some more than others. My heart goes out to those and their loved ones affected with the virus and to all on the frontlines keeping us safe. While Covid 19 deservedly dominates the news, there have been a few things occurring around our country that are not making our collective newsfeed. For example,
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