yuletide dream

perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
Categories: Soups, Breads, Pizza, Tarts, Supper, Lunch, Posted on December 17, 2024 by Sandy Bergsten
The holiday season brings a house full of joy – and hungry guests. When your dining table is packed for the big feast, chances are your spare bedrooms are too. Suddenly you're not just planning that showstopper holiday dinner, but a parade of breakfasts and lunches too. What started as holiday cheer can quickly spiral into hosting overwhelm.
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eye on the storm

a moment in time
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Lunch, Posted on October 21, 2024 by Sandy Bergsten
My dad is truly a wonder. 92-years-old, living alone, and thriving. We talk almost every day, mostly about what he’s making for dinner. But two weeks ago the conversation pivoted to the brewing storm that was projected to make a direct hit to the Gulf coast of Florida. With each passing day the news grew more dire. Months earlier I had made plane
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sealed with a kiss

dinner for two
Categories: Soups, Poultry, Meat, Grains and Pasta, Sauces and Such, Dinner for Two, Supper, Posted on November 14, 2023 by Sandy Bergsten
One of the ways I show love is by making meals for others. It’s such a gift to have a full table with everyone gathered around. But now with our children’s lives progressing and families expanding I often find myself traveling to their homes. This fall I had back-to-back weekends visiting my daughters in LA and Park City. Lucky Meemo got to babysit
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ear today…

food detective
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Dinner Party, Lunch, Posted on October 16, 2023 by Sandy Bergsten
Last week it seemed like summer might just be here to stay. Then mother nature took an about face. Temps plunged, skies darkened, and freezing rain arrived as the cold winds began to blow. Sadly, that meant summer’s bounty was soon to hibernate. I don’t know why I am always surprised when the stalls at the farmers market dwindle. While you might
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souper bowl

food detective
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Posted on February 6, 2023 by Sandy Bergsten
With the big game right around the corner, why not cook up two competing batches of chili to place bets on. And getting in the game-day spirit, how about a red beef chili for the Chiefs and for the Eagles a salsa verde chicken chili. My go-to beef chili is a tried-and-true champ. A great competitor, this white chicken chili that I adapted from my
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just a bite

food detective
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Soups, Eggs, Dinner for Two, Supper, Cocktail Party, Lunch, Breakfast/Brunch, Posted on August 7, 2022 by Sandy Bergsten
It’s truly height of the season at the farmer’s market. Each Saturday my Norwich terrier, Willie, and I start our day with a walk down to our neighborhood stands. I always return with an overflowing basket of lush tomatoes and just picked sweet corn. Almost every weekend I whip up a batch of gazpacho. My version… chopped rather than pureed, my
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our very vegan visit

food detective
Categories: Appetizers, Salads and Dressings, Soups, Veggies and Sides, Dinner for Two, Supper, Cocktail Party, Lunch, Sources, Posted on May 24, 2022 by Sandy Bergsten
Last weekend was a first of many. The first time my stepson and his family were visiting us in Chicago. The first time we would have a little person in our apartment (previously, pre-covid, we’ve only had a baby). And this would be my first attempt at creating a four-day menu that was completely vegan. I pride myself on being adaptable and nimble
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a holiday tradition

food detective
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Dinner Party, Lunch, Posted on December 7, 2021 by Sandy Bergsten
Having five adult children, all with partners, most with dogs and two with children, coordinating the holidays could make one feel as if they were running traffic control over O’Hare. Early on my husband and I began a new tradition. If any of our children wanted to come visit, all they needed to do was pick a date and let us know what holiday they
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for the love of cod

cooking for one... or two
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Lunch, Sources, Posted on March 15, 2021 by Sandy Bergsten
A dear friend is writing her second book. She reached out because she hit a roadblock and wanted my opinion. She is brilliant in the way she can take extremely complex topics and break them down in a way that ordinary people can grasp. Her dilemma was between being “true” to the essence of her subject and being perceived as dumbing it down so the a
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shelter from the storm

cooking for one... or two
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Lunch, Posted on December 4, 2020 by Sandy Bergsten
Whether you’re getting slammed by Jack Frost or being asked to shelter-in-place, right now might be the perfect time to make a big pot of chili.  I love my recipe, it’s a nourishing meaty stew that gets its sweetness from carrots and red bell peppers. The best part is that it freezes beautifully. So go ahead and make a double batch.
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