a moment in time

It’s funny the things that stick in our minds from our youth. The simplest of events, common objects we’ve elevated, certain sounds or smells, cherished foods. When it comes to things we absolutely loved to eat, when revisited in adulthood do they ever taste as good as we remember? While some dishes are best left on memory lane, there is one that
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dinner for two

One of the ways I show love is by making meals for others. It’s such a gift to have a full table with everyone gathered around. But now with our children’s lives progressing and families expanding I often find myself traveling to their homes. This fall I had back-to-back weekends visiting my daughters in LA and Park City. Lucky Meemo got to babysit
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food detective

Maybe it’s all the playoff games, draft picks, and NFL schedule releases but lately I’ve been craving buffalo chicken. With my own schedule ramping up it’s time to get creative in the kitchen, not only for inspiration but for timesaving shortcuts. I love when I find ready-prepped ingredients. Whole Foods carries the best pulled rotisserie chicken
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cookng for one... or two

Life is definitely ramping up. Languishing hours and days on end seem to be evaporating. I certainly welcome this change, but it’s making me realize that I need to step up my efficient dinner game. Thank goodness for Ina Garten’s shrimp scampi with linguini! It is a classic for good reason. Once prepped the entire dish cooks in the time it takes
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

What fun to keep the party going. When my daughter made the tough decision to downsize her wedding she asked if I would host a party for her Chicago friends later in the fall. My answer was a resounding yes! As the date approached my daughter reminded me that this was actually going to be a small wedding not simply a cocktail reception. Which
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

I love the vibe of Sunday supper. Dinner on the last day of the week tends to be casually welcoming and comforting. A little like that black sundress you can dress up or down. I’ve been meaning to have a few of our neighbors over and I wanted it to be an easy but memorable affair. I had the idea to whip up some flatbread pizzas for the main and
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food detective

This past week I’ve been feeling very nostalgic. It’s had me reflecting on the onset of my adult life and the milestones that followed. In the mid-eighties and early nineties, I lived way up on the Upper West Side of NYC. The cold sesame noodles from our corner Chinese were one of my guilty pleasures. I don’t know how they packed so much flavor and
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

This Fourth of July we are staying in the city. Thought it might be fun to invite some friends over to celebrate our country’s independence and relish in our now chilly dining room courtesy of our newly installed AC unit. Just because you are an apartment dweller doesn’t mean you can’t have an indoor barbeque. The key is figuring out what to
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food detective

Now a nod to my northern friends, who have hopefully put away their snow shovels for good. This spring has been a roller coaster for many reasons, the weather being one of those swinging pendulums. Here’s a recipe that is as comforting as a favorite sweater and light enough to enjoy whatever the season. Adjectives such as airy and delicate
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cooking for one... or two

I just got some news (I know so many have had much worse- they’ve lost loved ones, lost jobs, lost their homes). For me, it turns out after almost two years and a recent MRI I have a stress fracture of my interior talus. It’s the major weight bearing bone in the ankle. It’s the one that supports your entire body. The day before Christmas I
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