hail hail

out and about

Categories: Salads and Dressings, Soups, Breads, Pizza, Tarts, Posted on May 26, 2011 by Sandy Bergsten


1 (noun) pellets of ice

2 (verb) call out to attract attention

 A new factoid about my new hometown- we have civil defense sirens. I had no idea. Obviously I had heard them but didn’t know what they hailed. Last night turns out- hail.

This weather has been relentless. It’s hard to complain given what’s happened in Joplin and along the Mississippi but at some point the big guy upstairs has got to take it down a notch.But until that happens I’m going pretend it’s summer and make a supper to match.

What’s more seasonal than a caprese salad?

Coupled with a quick shrimp bisque and something that I sampled at Dorothy Lane Market- rosemary asiago apple jam toasts.

It was so good I bought what they were hocking lock, stock and barrel-cheese, designer jam and baguette. Simply top a baguette slice with apple rosemary jam and a sliver of asiago cheese. Toast in a 350 degree oven until melted. Adore those made-in-a-minute canapes, or in this case an open faced sammy on the side.

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