food detective

Why are the simple things often the most difficult to replicate? Take salad dressings. I’ve pretty much mastered a perfect balsamic vinaigrette, a creamy caesar dressing, a wonderful emulsified dressing you can make for a crowd, and a nostalgic thousand island. You can find them all by clicking on the “recipe” tab on the upper right bar of this
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cooking for one... or two

Things feeling a bit harsh? People around you a tad on edge? Maybe it’s time to open the frig and bring out the box grater. In the spirit of “when life gives you lemons make lemonade”, here you take whatever veggies you have on hand on and with a few quick strokes they’re transformed into lofty comfort food. Crisp on the edge, light and airy
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a moment in time

Last week in Chicago was one for the books. My husband had meetings out of town, and I was secretly very excited to be alone for the first time since February. As luck would have it my best friend’s husband was also going to be away. We were looking forward to going for long walks, running fun errands in the city (she’s a fellow foodie who knows
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cooking for one... or two

What’s better than chicken Caesar salad? Crunchy romaine, creamy parmesan dressing, crisp croutons, and tender chicken. It’s a quintessential classic for a reason. And a real go-to for lunch or dinner when dining out. But now that we are dining in (once again) how about a way you can whip this up at home in the time it would take to call for carry-
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cooking for one... or two

Is July really around the corner? Lately I’ve been reminiscing about summers past. Top on that list were the parents’ weekends at my girls’ summer camp in New Hampshire. Another highpoint- the lobster rolls at George’s. There’s nothing quite like a lobster shack roll. And while they’re almost impossible to replicate, I’ve discovered a suitable home
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food detective

Last year when we downsized, I went full out Marie Kondo. Purging felt exhilarating. Unpacking things that only brought me joy elating. Walking by air filled closets and half full drawers energizing. Then as the months passed, a few things tugged at my heartstrings and sensibilities. I have to be honest, I have a few regrets. People who know me
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food detective

Two weeks ago, the stars aligned, and my college roommates and I finally got together for the first time in over seven years. Upon seeing each other it was if the last thirty-eight years literally melted away. What a tonic for each of our souls. We laughed, we reminisced, we held one another, and of course we ate (disclaimer: there was also a litt
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Baby it’s hot outside. Our prewar apartment on Lake Michigan has so much charm, but no central air or personal outdoor space. We do have a few strategically placed portable air conditioner units, but with endless days in the in high 90’s it’s a little warm inside. So, what’s a girl to do when she planned a party a month ago? Time to put her menu
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food detective

Happy Chinese New Year- it’s the year of the pig! What perfect timing that I stumbled upon the following recipe. One of my personal new year’s resolutions is to finally go through all my old cooking magazines that have literally been piling up for decades. And while I’ve been feeling some Marie Kondo pressure to simply pitch them all, I’m glad I
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food detective

Being active in my local and national garden club has many benefits. One that always thrills and delights me is when we are invited to lunch. I rarely go to lunch. Since I retired from teaching, my noon day fare is usually something I can piece together out of the frig or a bite on the road. So, when an invitation to a proper lunch comes my way I
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