food detective

All news is not fake news. Take this recipe by Alison Roman that I discovered in my NYT Weeknight Dinner news feed. This chicken dish, with its the complex flavors that come together in less than half an hour on a single sheet pan, is the real deal. It is really easy to prepare and really, really delicious. Most of the New York Time recipes are fo
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Yesterday fall finally arrived. I was so excited to pull on one of my favorite sweaters and take Wille for a brisk walk along the lake. That cool fresh air roused my appetite for something equally cozy. Is there anything more comforting than homemade chicken pot pie? Just the other day that dish popped up in a conversation with friends. We all
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entertaining with style- making it work for you

You know how you sometimes take some of the best things for granted? They always seem to be there, so you assume they always will. The other day I had a panic attack as I realized I had just signed a lease for an apartment on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Overlooking Belmont Harbor, it has views of Lake Michigan but no personal outdoor space.
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food detective

I’m not a fan of gadgets and hyped appliances. Who needs a multi-chopper when one has a knife? Or an egg cooker when one has a pot? But I succumbed on cyber-Monday with what looked like an incredible sale on everyone’s seemingly must-have: the Instant Pot. I never needed a slow cooker, I have my Le Creuset dutch oven. And flashbacks of pressure
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food detective

How about a little schnitzel just in time for Oktoberfest? Sounds complicated, but really it’s as easy as one, two, three. What’s key is choosing a chicken breast that’s not too big. I’m not sure when someone thought it was a good idea to offer up chicken breasts that resemble those of a small turkey. They are unwieldy, difficult to cook properly,
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Last Wednesday I hosted a luncheon for the Garden Club of Dayton’s Executive Board. To mark our final meeting of the year and to show this group of amazing ladies how much I appreciate them I wanted to make it extra special. Serving multiple courses is a sure way to show you care. But while you want to make your meal memorable you certainly
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food detective

Each day I discover these fabulous emails in my inbox from Bon Appétit, Martha Stewart, and the New York Times, all alerting me to what I should be cooking that day. It’s great marketing, because I click on every one of them. Last week there was one from a continuing series on how to recreate comfort foods. The recipe was for homemade taco
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

What’s the secret to pulling off a seamless dinner party? Making sure all of your components are prepped and made ahead of time. And what better way to ring in the New Year than with a duck supper in front of the fire? While I adore confit, I certainly don’t relish the idea of rendering and preserving duck legs in my own kitchen. Thankfully with G
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

The October issue of Bon Appetit had a feature article on partying like our parents. The take away was that entertaining matters—“that rallying your friends together is essential, that being a generous host is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, and that at the end of the night, it really is worth all the effort.” I couldn’t agree more.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Here’s an adorable excuse for a party. Last spring when life was feeling bleak we adopted a little Norwich terrier. This loveable pup was a show dog reject (he developed a slight overbite and could no longer compete.) His minor loss was our certain gain. And there is nothing like a puppy to momentarily turn your world happily upside down. So when
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