goodbye old friend
entertaining with style- making it work for youYou know how you sometimes take some of the best things for granted? They always seem to be there, so you assume they always will.
The other day I had a panic attack as I realized I had just signed a lease for an apartment on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Overlooking Belmont Harbor, it has views of Lake Michigan but no personal outdoor space. No outdoor space means no place for a grill. NO GRILL!
I’ve been grilling ever since I moved out of my 600 square foot apartment on the Upper West Side in the early 90s. When this realization dawned on me, I sat down on a moving box and tried to catch my breath.
But then I realized many people don’t have grills. I would simply need to learn how to roast. When this realization dawned on me, I quickly scampered down my basement stairs to retrieve the all-clad roasting pan I was going to give away and placed it in my growing “pack- for-Chicago-pile”.
Grilling is a funny thing- everyone who does it has a definite style and opinion. As a bride in the 80’s I left the barbequing to my husband. My friends and I would watch the menfolk gathered around the old Weber, drinks in hand, seriously debating every aspect and technique. It wasn’t until my husband moved on leaving me and the grill behind that I realized that I was going to have to come up with my own BBQ plan.
And I did- I like my grill searing hot, all burners on high, lid down, quick flips to sear the meat, then a nice char on the outside, just medium rare on the inside. Over the years many an adult dater tried to sway me with their own grilling opinion. Talk about annoying. I wasn’t about to hand over my tongs to just any Tom, Dick or Harry. And then this tall, dark and handsome man asked me out for coffee and before I knew it, he made me some the best damn ribs I have ever tasted. It was love at first bite.
With the days counting down I ran over to my favorite Italian deli- Disalvo’s Deli on Stroop in Dayton.
Ronny is a chef extraordinaire, you have to try his daily specials. And his homemade Italian dressing is the absolute best marinade in the world. For the last eight years I’d always pick up a pint. It’s great on everything from chicken, to shrimp, to flank steak. It also rocks a chopped salad.
Well the day has finally come for me to say goodbye. New adventures await in my new kitchen in the Windy City.
Lucky roasting pan gets to come along for life's next great adventure! No doubt you will love the Windy City...and will quickly forget about the grill. Come to Rochester and I'll try to replicate Tall, Dark and Handsome's world famous ribs xo