don’t be crabby
what’s for dinner- cooking for twoThe most challenging thing for me about moving is trying to keep on top of my daily grind while packing up 16 years of a former life, and doing all of it long distance.
Not only am I boxing up the home where my two daughters grew up, this blog is moving to a new site. Same address, but soon there will be some exciting changes and additions. I’ve loved the process but it all takes time and real thought. Much like discerning what is trash and what is treasure in a 1920’s attic with no air conditioning.
Honestly who likes a whiner? I’m not here to bemoan the trials and tribulations of either move but I feel like I need throw out a disclaimer. I’m running a little behind on things. My virtual desktop looks like O’Hare in stormy weather. There are lots of entries ready to upload, it’s just been difficult trying to get them out and up in order.
Leaving all excuses on the tarmac I’m going to move forward and try to clear the deck simultaneously. Stay tuned for new entries and look for past ones from the last few weeks.
In the spirit of a moratorium on complaining, griping, bellyaching… what better thing to make for dinner than crab cakes.
Who doesn’t love a fresh crab cake? I like mine heavy on the crab light on the cake. The trick to a mostly shellfish one is getting it to hold together.
First I combine a mixture of herbs, a touch of mayo and an egg yolk to help bind it.
Then the crab is lightly folded in along with panko breadcrumbs. Lightly is the key word here. It needs to rest, allowing the panko and crab to meld. Gently form equal patties and carefully press into more panko crumbs.
Now these cuties need to rest (again) covered in the frig for at least an hour and up to a day. (Instead of four dinner size cakes you can make mini ones for an appetizer- they are actually easy to sauté and flip FYI).
Top them with a fresh avocado sauce. Made easy with a whirl of a hand blender.
I sauté the crab cakes and serve them on top of a salad of mixed greens with a fresh herb vinaigrette.
And because right now homegrown tomatoes can positively adjust the grumpiest of all attitudes I’m putting a little caprese salad on the side.
Thanks for your understanding and enjoy the flight.