perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

We had our second dinner party, and it was an absolute blast. Not really sure if it was truly that fun, or if it just seemed that way because we hadn’t had a new person over in well, over a year. It’s like that new mom who goes out for the first time, crams herself into an outfit she has no business wearing, and thinks she’s the life of the party
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Getting that second vaccine dose was like a heavy door unlocking. It was almost surreal allowing myself to think of possibilities and the thought of making plans. I was so excited to invite our first guests over for dinner. And erring on the side of caution, and because we are in southern California, I knew we could dine outside. What I didn’t
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cooking for one... or two

A dear friend is writing her second book. She reached out because she hit a roadblock and wanted my opinion. She is brilliant in the way she can take extremely complex topics and break them down in a way that ordinary people can grasp. Her dilemma was between being “true” to the essence of her subject and being perceived as dumbing it down so the a
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food detective

Why are the simple things often the most difficult to replicate? Take salad dressings. I’ve pretty much mastered a perfect balsamic vinaigrette, a creamy caesar dressing, a wonderful emulsified dressing you can make for a crowd, and a nostalgic thousand island. You can find them all by clicking on the “recipe” tab on the upper right bar of this
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food detective

How about something sweet? I’ll confess I’m not much of a baker. My birthday cakes are endearingly lopsided and zucchini bread eternally crestfallen. What I’ve come to realize is that cooks and bakers are wired differently. Bakers tend to follow recipes to the law and measure precisely. Us in the cook-camp like to add a pinch of this and bit of
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cooking for one... or two

Who else is hitting the pandemic wall? The endless news feed, the lack of clarity and organization on the vaccine rollout, and being housebound with a fractured ankle is causing burnout. I really, really miss walking my dog. Grabbing the leash, throwing on my shoes, pounding the pavement, letting fresh air fill my lungs, allowing my mind to clear
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cooking for one... or two

I just got some news (I know so many have had much worse- they’ve lost loved ones, lost jobs, lost their homes). For me, it turns out after almost two years and a recent MRI I have a stress fracture of my interior talus. It’s the major weight bearing bone in the ankle. It’s the one that supports your entire body. The day before Christmas I
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food detective

Other than hugging those I love, diving into a sumptuous meal at a table that’s not my own is probably what I miss most. Include people to the one I’ve been quarantined with for the past ten months and I just might fall down and faint. Some eat to live, I must say I live to eat. My past travels have frequently been influenced by potential meals.
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cooking for one... or two

Whether you’re getting slammed by Jack Frost or being asked to shelter-in-place, right now might be the perfect time to make a big pot of chili. I love my recipe, it’s a nourishing meaty stew that gets its sweetness from carrots and red bell peppers. The best part is that it freezes beautifully. So go ahead and make a double batch.
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cooking for one... or two

What a week. How about taking a break from all the divisiveness and embrace a side that really gets along? And because your tank is probably running on fumes, cut yourself some slack and take a quick trip down the freezer and pantry aisle for an accompaniment that will simultaneously comfort and wow. There is a reason there is an idiom for
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