cooking for one... or two

Who else is hitting the pandemic wall? The endless news feed, the lack of clarity and organization on the vaccine rollout, and being housebound with a fractured ankle is causing burnout. I really, really miss walking my dog. Grabbing the leash, throwing on my shoes, pounding the pavement, letting fresh air fill my lungs, allowing my mind to clear
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cooking for one... or two

I can’t believe we just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. There are days when it seems like we were married yesterday. There are so many things I adore about my husband. His boyish smile and heartfelt laugh certainly top the list. He’s absolutely brilliant and possesses the gentlest and truest of hearts. If I had to pick one of my favorite
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cooking for one... or two

Is July really around the corner? Lately I’ve been reminiscing about summers past. Top on that list were the parents’ weekends at my girls’ summer camp in New Hampshire. Another highpoint- the lobster rolls at George’s. There’s nothing quite like a lobster shack roll. And while they’re almost impossible to replicate, I’ve discovered a suitable home
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simple truths to unleash your entertaining potential

In entertaining (and in life) certain principles hold true. For example, we should all strive to acknowledge our unique strengths and realize our own limitations. Maximizing what you do best and outsourcing where you fall short will help you succeed wherever you set your mind. Here that means entertaining others in a way that is actually enjoyable.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Baby it’s hot outside. Our prewar apartment on Lake Michigan has so much charm, but no central air or personal outdoor space. We do have a few strategically placed portable air conditioner units, but with endless days in the in high 90’s it’s a little warm inside. So, what’s a girl to do when she planned a party a month ago? Time to put her menu
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food detective

The other night we stopped by my cousin’s in Lincoln Park for a glass of wine before heading out to dinner. She had a wonderful spread of cured meats and the most amazing fresh ricotta. My husband and I couldn’t wait to find out where she got it. Turns out there is an Eataly in Chicago. It’s a 12-minute drive from my apartment. And if you spend
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entertaining with style- making it work for you

Well we moved. Twice. As I navigate the sea of boxes, I will say there is a certain excitement in unwrapping the boxes and seeing my treasures. I’m going to give myself a little credit, I did a good job of packing up which in turn has made unpacking almost fun. The tricky part was dismantling an old renovated farm house and divvying up our
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entertaining with style- making it work for you

You know how you sometimes take some of the best things for granted? They always seem to be there, so you assume they always will. The other day I had a panic attack as I realized I had just signed a lease for an apartment on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Overlooking Belmont Harbor, it has views of Lake Michigan but no personal outdoor space.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Each October I travel to Florida to help my dad get settled back into his house after his summer up north. It’s truly a labor of love, filled with a myriad of to-do lists and even more laughs. Don’t get me started on our perennial wrangle over the open condiments he always seems to leave in his refrigerator for five months. That said, I keep my
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food detective

Flipping through an old copy of Bon Appétit I came across an intriguing recipe for salmon burgers. You are going to want to try this fresh take on a classic fishcake. The key to this burger’s success is a food processor. Pulse one third of the salmon into a smooth paste, then add the other two thirds and pulse until coarsely chopped. The smooth
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