perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Now’s the time to harvest all that basil and make some fabulous pesto. Those near and dear who know my busy schedule might be saying- you made this today? Heck no! I made this (and wrote this) weeks ago and stowed it in my freezer. Because even when you’re really busy you still need to eat. And if you plan ahead, you can eat, really well. Here's
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food detective

The apartment we just moved into has structural damage and we need to move… again. While the mere thought of packing everything up again has brought me to the brink of tears (several times), I’ve decided to set my mind on the positives. First, we are renting, so in essence this is not our problem. Second, there is another unit in our building that
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a moment in time

Sitting down to write about soup seems surreal given last week’s tragic events. My heart breaks for everyone in Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy. Given the overwhelming senselessness, sometimes the only thing to do is to try to focus on something positive you can control. It’s summer, and that means farmer’s markets. One of my favorite things to do on
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