perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Want a fast and fun breakfast that’s a real crowd pleaser? This tortilla wrap, that showed up as an alert on my phone from the Food Network, is the bomb. Best part you can whip up a few, wrap them in foil and place in a just warm oven so folks can grab them and go. Or you can rise and shine and make them over a quiet cup of coffee to serve up when
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cooking for one... or two

I’m always on lookout for a standout meal that comes together in minutes. The prep for this one is done in about the time it takes to preheat the oven. You’ll find this crisp cheesy gratin unexpectedly light. Its array of bright ingredients delivers depth and refreshing complexity. The combination of seafood and cheese might surprise some. But on
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

What fun to keep the party going. When my daughter made the tough decision to downsize her wedding she asked if I would host a party for her Chicago friends later in the fall. My answer was a resounding yes! As the date approached my daughter reminded me that this was actually going to be a small wedding not simply a cocktail reception. Which
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

The upside to having our refrigerator go on the fritz was that a new and improved one took its place. The previous was a stainless counter depth model. The outside was sleek and streamlined, inside it was beyond shallow, the freezer almost nonexistent. You could barely squeeze a plastic container of greens into one of the two miniscule drawers.
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food detective

When I find myself alone one of my favorite things to do is visit a local haunt and indulge in an app and a cocktail. Nothing beats Fish Bar in my Lakeview Chicago neighborhood. Biting into their lobster rolls or crispy cod sandwiches you’ll feel as though you are on the coast of Maine. And a plate of their East or West Coast oysters coupled with a
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

I take joy in setting a beautiful table. I love my bone china, sterling and crystal. Creating a place for my guests to sit infused with grace is a simple pleasure. Many keep their finest tucked away and out of reach. I believe our beautiful things are there to be enjoyed. And with the exception of my silver, I put almost all of it in the
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

I love the vibe of Sunday supper. Dinner on the last day of the week tends to be casually welcoming and comforting. A little like that black sundress you can dress up or down. I’ve been meaning to have a few of our neighbors over and I wanted it to be an easy but memorable affair. I had the idea to whip up some flatbread pizzas for the main and
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food detective

You know those days, weeks, when you’re wondering where you’ll find the time or energy to make dinner? On those nights I sometimes order online. I don’t know about you, but for me those meals often fall flat. And at the end of a pretty mediocre meal, I usually feel a little fat. Not a win win. The other day when I didn’t want to do what I suppose
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a moment in time

Wedding bells were ringing last week in Midway Utah. After a year of plans and pivots, my baby girl married her perfect match in the midst of the Wasatch Mountains. It was exceptional in each and every way. Most notably that our family and a handful of dear friends, all fully vaccinated, could reunite for this incredibly blessed event.
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food detective

This past week I’ve been feeling very nostalgic. It’s had me reflecting on the onset of my adult life and the milestones that followed. In the mid-eighties and early nineties, I lived way up on the Upper West Side of NYC. The cold sesame noodles from our corner Chinese were one of my guilty pleasures. I don’t know how they packed so much flavor and
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