nooks and crannies

perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
Categories: Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Dinner Party, Posted on July 18, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
Savvy hostesses need a few secrets up their sleeves. I always like to impress without the stress. That means I am constantly on the hunt for things that look complicated but are practically effortless. Take my take on mushroom cheese puffs. Not sure if you’ve ever made a pate au choux, but in my former life as a professional chef and caterer I can
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food detective
Categories: Appetizers, Fish and Seafood, Cocktail Party, Dinner Party, Posted on July 5, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
The other morning I was walking by the TV in my bedroom and caught a snippet of Giada de Laurentiis attempting to show Savanna Guthrie how to devein a shrimp. It was an amusing although futile clip, what really held my attention was the recipe that followed- buffalo grilled shrimp with a goat cheese dipping sauce. Secretly I love wings though
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summer’s bounty

perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
Categories: Soups, Dinner for Two, Supper, Dinner Party, Posted on June 20, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
Is there anything better than waking up on a summer Saturday, grabbing a big cup of coffee and heading off to the local farmer’s market? That scenario is tops in my book. Second on the list- the cascading menu that tumbles out of my orange collapsible picnic tote. What better way to mark the summer solstice than with a cool gazpacho highlighting
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bite sized memory

food detective
Categories: Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Posted on June 5, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
A few weeks ago my husband and I were invited to dinner. I knew it would be a special night and I wanted to bring something equally exceptional. As I filed through my extensive repertoire of hors d'oeuvres I found myself reaching further back into my culinary recall. Maybe my vegus nerve was subliminally triggered by the start of golf season
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spring line-up

entertaining with style- making it work for you
Categories: Well Equipped, Setting the Stage, Posted on May 14, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
This spring I have been traveling non-stop judging flower shows for the Garden Club of America. While my expertise is in the photography division I delight in seeing how the national floral arrangers interpret and execute their themes. I marvel at their creativity and expertise because for me a centerpiece needs to be as simple as one-two-three
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twice as good

food detective
Categories: Meat, Veggies and Sides, Supper, Dinner Party, Posted on April 28, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
In our family the birthday girl dictates the celebratory meal. Most often the menu features bacon wrapped grilled fillets, asparagus or broccoli tossed with lemon and the ever-present twice-baked potato. But as the girls have grown so have their palettes. On a recent trip to Whole Foods in Palm Desert they were offering samples of crispy
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all set

entertaining with style- making it work for you
Categories: Sources, Well Equipped, Setting the Stage, Posted on April 19, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
Many people don’t entertain because they don’t feel they have what they need to entertain properly. So when it comes to setting the stage what exactly do you need? Well that depends on what type of party you want to have and how many guests you want over. Let’s start with a dinner party for eight. First of all you need to make sure your table will
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it’s all greek to me

food detective
Categories: Fish and Seafood, Grains and Pasta, Supper, Dinner Party, Posted on April 1, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
My step-daughter and her chef boyfriend gave me the best cookbook for Christmas, Prune by Gabrielle Hamilton. I love the way the book appears to be a copy of her cooking manifest for her restaurant, complete with hand written notes in the margins. Personally I read cookbooks like others read novels. I have a stack of cookbooks on my bedside table.
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first things first

perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Veggies and Sides, Dinner Party, Posted on March 19, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
Want to make your next dinner party a bit exceptional? Consider serving multiple courses. Contrary to common belief it’s easier than you think. The trick is in choosing the right dishes. You always want your first course to complement your entrée. So let’s say you are serving beef as your main you might want to feature fish first. If serving fish
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spring forward

entertaining with style- making it work for you
Categories: Setting the Stage, Posted on March 6, 2015 by Sandy Bergsten
Maybe it’s because I’m an early riser, but I always look forward to the morning we set our clocks ahead. Instead of the sun setting before six o’clock we’ll force the situation so it will begin to stay light well past seven. This year particularly all vernal aspects seem to need a bit of a push. There is no better way to force the season than to
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