perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

A few weeks ago, after returning to Chicago we had our first dinner party. I was so excited to plan the menu, at long last set our table for more than two, and prep for the evening. I thought I had it all planned out perfectly. Turns out I was more than a little out of practice. I hate when I have people over and I find myself stranded in the
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Getting that second vaccine dose was like a heavy door unlocking. It was almost surreal allowing myself to think of possibilities and the thought of making plans. I was so excited to invite our first guests over for dinner. And erring on the side of caution, and because we are in southern California, I knew we could dine outside. What I didn’t
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Isn’t it fun going to those upscale gourmet grocers and walking past their cases filled with amazing prepared fare? While tempting, picking up an entire dinner party that way can cost a small fortune. So, what should you do when you want the convenience of having everything made well in advance but you either want to showcase your own cooking and
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

It’s that time of year. People you love gather. And whether you are hosting a turkey dinner for twenty or a more intimate affair here are a couple tried and true sides guaranteed to add holiday sparkle to any table. No one needs to know you can make these both weeks ahead of time then strategically pull them out of your freezer on the big day.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Each October I travel to Florida to help my dad get settled back into his house after his summer up north. It’s truly a labor of love, filled with a myriad of to-do lists and even more laughs. Don’t get me started on our perennial wrangle over the open condiments he always seems to leave in his refrigerator for five months. That said, I keep my
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food detective

Every month, for the past decade, my husband receives a special delivery from the fruit of the month club. And each month I bring the package in, place it on the counter, and when he comes home from work we pour ourselves a cocktail and survey the box. After a thoughtful draw on our drinks we open it up. The first thing we say to one another is
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food detective

Each day I discover these fabulous emails in my inbox from Bon Appétit, Martha Stewart, and the New York Times, all alerting me to what I should be cooking that day. It’s great marketing, because I click on every one of them. Last week there was one from a continuing series on how to recreate comfort foods. The recipe was for homemade taco
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food detective

I am completely smitten with these sweet potatoes. I could eat them every day. Truth be told, some days I do. The play between the puff inside verses the crunch outside is heavenly. Then to push it up a notch, these hot wedges get a drizzle of sriracha crème fraiche. Think sweet heat. You’ll be amazed how easy they are to make. Since sweet
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food detective

Here’s some real news you can sink your teeth into. Melissa Clark, a food reporter from the New York Times, has created a digital series on the essentials of French cuisine. She takes readers through ten quintessential recipes- from mastering a basic omelet to serving up a soufflé with aplomb. She walks you through why should master the recipe
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Many Americans find themselves facing a big decision… what side dishes to serve with their Thanksgiving turkey. Despite all that is going on, the meal must also go on. This holiday season with all that’s in in the air you might want to keep things on the simple side. Here are a few of my favorites for you to consider. Each one can be made well in
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