entertaining with style- making it work for you

How many of you know that poignant feeling that rises up when you finish a really, really good book? I almost cried when I put down “Where the Crawdads Sing”. Tears did roll down my cheeks as I closed “Bel Canto” and “The Art of Hearing Heartbeats”. One of my greatest pleasures is reading a truly well written, beautifully crafted work of fiction.
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food detective

The other night I was over at my dear friends Maggie and Richard’s for a drink. They truly are entertainers extraordinaire. Their home is so welcoming, their cocktails such fun, and their hors d’oeuvres divine. Those two really know how to make a guest feel special. As Richard poured a wonderful white burgundy in his crisp white apron, Maggie
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food detective

A few months ago, my husband mentioned that it might be fun to drive from Ohio to our home in California. He had never driven across the country and it was on his bucket list. Driving 2,312 miles in a car with a dog was never on mine. But as time passed I warmed to the idea. I had never been to many of those states and if we took a slight detour we
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

It’s that time of year. People you love gather. And whether you are hosting a turkey dinner for twenty or a more intimate affair here are a couple tried and true sides guaranteed to add holiday sparkle to any table. No one needs to know you can make these both weeks ahead of time then strategically pull them out of your freezer on the big day.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Each October I travel to Florida to help my dad get settled back into his house after his summer up north. It’s truly a labor of love, filled with a myriad of to-do lists and even more laughs. Don’t get me started on our perennial wrangle over the open condiments he always seems to leave in his refrigerator for five months. That said, I keep my
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making it for two

Let’s be honest- after a long day who doesn’t want to come home to a little canapé? Please don’t roll your eyes because I make my spouse a small hors d'oeuvre to accompany his Makers Mark. And before you groan, let me show you how something that takes almost no effort can have a huge impact on those you love- be it your husband, wife, significant
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Right before Valentine’s Day I taught a Girls’ Night Out cooking class at Dorothy Lane Market’s Culinary Center. The evening featured elegant and effortless appetizers and some simple but spectacular deserts. To make it more fun, Teresa Kearney, paired it all with wines from across Europe. Because let’s be honest, when having people over who
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

This time of year we all have resolutions. Maybe it’s to lose 7 pounds, improve your daily workout, drink more water, mediate each morning. I know these are all on my list, along with another… to start making gougères. You might wonder what the heck is that!? A gougère is a delicate little cheese puff made with a savory pâte à choux. À pâte what?!
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food detective

Football’s been a constant in our home the past few weeks. Personally, I am a diehard Michigan fan, I also like to root for the Cleveland Browns. Obviously, I have had little to cheer about. That said, my attention span tends to wander and wane when it comes to other teams and competitions. While my loved ones have been glued to the big screen
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

One the best gifts is to truly connect with another. And there isn’t a better place around than your very own dining room table. One of my favorite things I’m going to carry forward into the new year is inviting just one other couple over for dinner. There is something special about spending the evening in such an intimate setting. And because the
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