accept with pleasure
perfecting the done before they arrive dinner party- a work in progressMany dinner guests ask if they can bring something. Don’t be shy- take them up on their kind offer.
Consider your weak suit (or as I say to my consulting clients your “growth edge”). Personally I love when a guest brings dessert or an appetizer. With those bookends out of the way I can concentrate on the main event. Apps and dessert usually take the least amount of fuss and are easy to incorporate into your menu and table.
Wine is another welcome contribution. Don’t be shy. If offered prior- speak up and say you’d love a white to go with the fish or a red for the salad and cheese course. I plan my wines ahead of time (chill those that need it) and if an unforeseen bottle makes an appearance I swap it out accordingly.
Tonight someone is bringing an appetizer and the other dessert. With the soup and salad dressing out of the way all I need to do this morning is make the tart with comte, leeks and bacon.
Start by slightly defrosting the puff pastry. When it’s pliable enough, unfold and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper (I am all about short cuts but this tart requires you use parchment paper so if you don’t have any run to the market and buy some- it’s next to the foil). Score the boarder and lightly brush the edges with an egg yolk wash. Cover the pastry with plastic wrap and pop it back in the freezer.
Next sauté the bacon, then the leeks.
Mix up the ricotta, egg yolk and olive oil then fold in the crème fraiche.
Slice the Comte cheese.
Take the puff pastry out of the freezer and carefully spread the ricotta mixture to the edge of the scored border. Top with the cheese, then the bacon and leeks. Cover and return covered to the frig.
Now all that’s left to make are the goat cheese rounds for the salad. Toss panko with the herbs and whisk up an egg white wash (you can use the white you didn’t use from the puff pasty yolk-wash).
Lightly swoosh the goat cheese disks in the egg white then press each side into the panko and herbs. Place on a plate, cover and refrigerate. While you’re at slice the beets (I do this on plate because they will really stain your counter or cutting board) and coarsely chop the walnuts.
Go through your menu in your head:
Appetizer- coming
Gazpacho- done (defrost the shrimp now- cut the avocados right before serving)
Tart- done (just needs to bake)
Salad components (dressing, beets, goat cheese, walnuts, lettuce washed and spun dry)- done (needs to be assembled and goat cheese needs to be sautéed right before serving)
Dessert- coming
Wines- A Chanson Vire-Lesse white Burgundy is chilling and a Thief Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley is standing at attention.
Time to set the table and put out the plates.
Last on the list- a little one on one with this Sunday’s NYT Sunday Styles- planning and prepping ahead has it’s advantages.