entertaining with style- making it work for you

You know how you sometimes take some of the best things for granted? They always seem to be there, so you assume they always will. The other day I had a panic attack as I realized I had just signed a lease for an apartment on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Overlooking Belmont Harbor, it has views of Lake Michigan but no personal outdoor space.
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entertaining with style- making it work for you

How many of you know that poignant feeling that rises up when you finish a really, really good book? I almost cried when I put down “Where the Crawdads Sing”. Tears did roll down my cheeks as I closed “Bel Canto” and “The Art of Hearing Heartbeats”. One of my greatest pleasures is reading a truly well written, beautifully crafted work of fiction.
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food detective

One of the many perks of southern California is that the farmers markets run almost all year. Wednesday morning I wake up and head down the hill to the one in Palm Desert. There I pick up a bag of some of the best avocados in the world, a jug of just picked-just squeezed orange juice, an armful of wild flowers, and whatever vegetables catch my
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