skinny on this

food detective
Categories: Veggies and Sides, Supper, Dinner Party, Posted on October 30, 2016 by Sandy Bergsten
On the news they said that this week is the least that you will weigh all year long. Well if that’s not enough to put the fright into your Halloween I don’t know what is? This past summer the vet said I had to put my little Norwich terrier on a drastic diet. He’s down from 18.6 pounds to 15.4. I had lofty goals that we would both be lean and mean
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hail caesar

food detective
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Supper, Lunch, Posted on October 16, 2016 by Sandy Bergsten
I love reading the food section of the New York Times. It’s a welcome break to the whirl of today’s headlines. Turning the pages I’m thrilled to discover a recipe for something that should be relatively easy to make, but for some reason never quite turns out. Imagine my excitement when I saw a feature article for the perfect Caesar salad. I’ve
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in a pickle

perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress
Categories: Salads and Dressings, Breads, Pizza, Tarts, Veggies and Sides, Sauces and Such, Posted on October 4, 2016 by Sandy Bergsten
I have to be honest- my past experience with Ball jars was to either use one as a vase or as a glass for a dark and stormy. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever consider actually canning something. I was afraid that I wouldn’t sterilize the jars properly, seal the lids correctly, and whoever consumed what was in them might
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