perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

Need a fresh app in a flash? Try this spin-off of grilled flatbread with lightly seasoned cucumber, creamy burrata, and slivered basil. Forego the grill by picking up a box of amazing pita crackers. In less than five minutes you’ll have a crispy, creamy, bright and fresh appetizer that will wow your guests in no time flat.
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perfecting the "done before they arrive" party- a work in progress

What in the world happened to spring? I just arrived home from meetings in Savannah only to find my daffodils covered in sleet. Snow is in the forecast and the temps are plunging into the 20s. I thought those dark dank days of walking my dog were over. Time to import a splash of sunshine. Maybe its because I was just in the south and I was spoiled
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