haricots verts bundles
8 ounces French green beans, trimmed
1 long red pepper
2 tsp butter, divided into 4 dabs
salt and pepper
Place trimmed beans in a microwave safe dish with ¼ cup water. Cover and steam for approximately two minutes until crisp tender (do not over cook). Immediately drain and refresh with ice water. Drain and set aside. (Can be done earlier in the day. Cover and refrigerate.)
Core red pepper, removing all seeds and ribs. Cut into scant ¼ inch strips. Bring a pan of water to a boil. Add the red peppers and simmer for 5-7 minutes until pliable. Drain and refresh in ice water. Drain. Carefully slice each strip down the middle to almost the end. (Can be done earlier in the day. Wrap in paper towel and place in a Ziploc bag and refrigerate.)
To assemble divide the steamed beans into four bundles. Carefully tie each bundle with a red pepper strip. (can be done earlier in the day. Cover and refrigerate.
To serve preheat oven to 425 degrees. Bring bundles to room temperature. Place on a rimmed baking sheet. Heat bundles for approximately10 minutes or until heated through. Season with salt and pepper. Top with dabs of butter. Carefully transfer to plates and serve immediately.
Serves 4