skinny on this

food detective

Categories: Veggies and Sides, Supper, Dinner Party, Posted on October 30, 2016 by Sandy Bergsten

On the news they said that this week is the least that you will weigh all year long. Well if that’s not enough to put the fright into your Halloween I don’t know what is?

This past summer the vet said I had to put my little Norwich terrier on a drastic diet. He’s down from 18.6 pounds to 15.4. I had lofty goals that we would both be lean and mean by November. I guess I should have cut my portions in half and snacked only on frozen green beans just like Willie.

Well it’s never too late to do a veggie swap. Riced cauliflower seems to be all the rage. Folks claim it’s a delicious substitute for regular steamed white rice.

I must admit I was a little doubtful. Kind of like Willie when I swapped out his Trader Joe Charlie Bear dog treats for frozen cut beans. But as the vet assured me once he got hungry enough he will gobble them down. And so he did.

For the riced cauliflower I figured you’d have to do something fancy to make it taste like rice. First I sautéed it, then I roasted it, but I found the most “rice-like” was to simply microwave it.

Already riced cauliflower makes this makes this super easy.

Toss with a tablespoon of good olive oil.

And a pinch of kosher salt and a few grinds of fresh pepper.

Cover tightly with plastic wrap.

Cook on high in the microwave for three minutes.

Carefully remove the plastic wrap. Fluff with a fork.

And voila- just as good as steamed rice.

As for my diet… better luck next fall Mom.

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